Wait, what?

What are Padsicles?

It is very common when giving birth naturally, that a tear occurs in the perineum. In Singapore, most gynaes also perform episiotomies to help the baby come out more easily and/or to control the “shape” of the tear. This wound naturally hurts quite a lot in the first week after vaginal birth and so you might find a cold pad very soothing to wear since you would still be bleeding from the birth.

There are a number of brands selling cold pads in Singapore now, but be prepared to pay anything between $3-6 for a piece. As such, I recommend you make your own versions, which are cutely known as padsicles, since they feel like popsicles down there!

Simple ingredients/items needed

  • Sanitary Pads

Given you would probably use about 3-6 pads per day, you might want to prepare at least 10-20 padsicles before you give birth to last 3 you 3-6 days after. Any sort with a soft cottony surface and strong absorbency will do – whether you prefer thicker softer maxis or thinner ultra-thin types.


  • Aloe Vera Gel (100% pure)

Aloe vera is a natural ingredient helps soothe your injured skin. A small 100-200ml tube is more than enough.


  • Witch Hazel (without alchohol) in a spray bottle

Witch hazel is a natural ingredient reduces inflammation and has antiviral properties. You only need 30-50ml.


  • A few pieces of freezer-safe zip-lock bags

You just need to be able to fit all the padsicles you make into them. I suggest at least 2 bags if you want to bring a bag of 3-5 pieces to the hospital with you! If your freezer also contains raw meat, you might want to ensure your zip-lock bags have strong seals.

For exact links to where to buy each item, create an account with us and download the guide for free!


  • Open each sanitary pad and slather a generous amount of aloe vera on the whole surface of each pad.
  • Spray witch hazel over the whole surface of each aloe vera-covered pad.
  • Wrap each pad back in its original wrapper and place them into the zip-lock bags.
  • Put the whole zip-lock bags into the freezer, and you’re done!

After you give birth and the painkillers (if you took any) wear off, you can start to wear the padsicles like you wear your regular sanitary napkins. They provide soothing relief to your injured perineum and also serve its usual purpose of catching the remaining blood from the birth process. Have a smooth delivery and recovery after!


  1. shuhwen on April 24, 2021 at 2:35 am

    Have created an account. May I know where to download the guide for free?

    • MinimalistMum on April 30, 2021 at 9:39 pm

      Hello Shuhwen, thanks for asking! Just log into your account, and when you mouseover or click “My Account” in the you will see “Members Privileges” dropdown under it. Please let me know if you still have issues locating it! Enjoy!

  2. Tyronedah on November 14, 2024 at 1:07 am


    • MinimalistMum on November 14, 2024 at 1:18 pm

      Hello! For exact links to where to buy each item in Singapore, create an account with us and download the guide for free :)!

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