Oxo Tot Roll Up Bibs and Smocks (Sleeved)


The Oxo Tot Roll Up Bib is a high quality bib which combines comfortable fabric with durable silicone:

  • Soft fabric conforms to the body and is comfortable around the neck
  • Bib provides ample coverage and is shaped for comfort; length and soft pocket also do not interfere with the highchair tray or table
  • Fabric neatly rolls into pocket and can be closed securely for portability
  • Secure closure is adjustable for comfort as baby grows
  • Fabric and silicone materials are easy to wipe clean and are machine washable
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The Oxo Tot Roll Up Bib and Oxo Tot Sleeved Roll Up Bib (Smock) are high quality bibs which combine comfortable fabric with durable silicone:

  • Soft fabric conforms to the body and is comfortable around the neck
  • Bib provides ample coverage and is shaped for comfort; length and soft pocket also do not interfere with the highchair tray or table – smock provides FULL coverage of the upper body
  • Fabric neatly rolls into pocket and can be closed securely for portability
  • Wide, food-safe silicone pocket effectively catches crumbs and for the smock, is removable for craft time or cleaning
  • Secure closure is adjustable for comfort as baby grows
  • Fabric and silicone materials are easy to wipe clean and are machine washable

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg

Grey bib, Opal bib, Teal bib, Teal Sleeved Bib (Smock)