I’d written about a possible routine which new parents can follow immediately after they return home from the hospital, so this post is a continuation on what to do right after that. Baby usually regains his/her birth weight between 8-12 days after birth. Once birth weight is regained, baby is ready to get used to…

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Your baby is usually born with stores of energy, and hence can survive without feeding for the first few days after birth. However a mother usually produces the ideal nourishment for her newborn immediately after giving birth, called colostrum. Colostrum is a yellow sticky liquid which is full of antibodies, vitamins and minerals, so it…

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Fathers and Mothers express themselves differently, but they love their children and their family all the same. Here’s some different ways mothers say “I love you” to their babies: Puts up with weight gain, dry skin, endless puking or hunger pangs, and more while carrying her baby Spends 6 hours a day having her nipples…

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We had mentioned before the benefits of breastfeeding, but anyone who has breastfed before will tell you – it is not an easy job at all. Today’s post will attempt to simplify the 2 principles you need to understand in order to avoid common painful issues caused by engorgement and/or blocked ducts. They are: Fully…

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The most important skill to learn when breastfeeding a baby is to ensure the baby gets a deep latch. But it’s often easier said than done. My favourite way of teaching this is the hamburger analogy. Huh?? Well, imagine you want to eat a very big and tall hamburger. And want to be able to…

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Wait, what? What are Padsicles? It is very common when giving birth naturally, that a tear occurs in the perineum. In Singapore, most gynaes also perform episiotomies to help the baby come out more easily and/or to control the “shape” of the tear. This wound naturally hurts quite a lot in the first week after…

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