Your baby is usually born with stores of energy, and hence can survive without feeding for the first few days after birth. However a mother usually produces the ideal nourishment for her newborn immediately after giving birth, called colostrum. Colostrum is a yellow sticky liquid which is full of antibodies, vitamins and minerals, so it…

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Fathers and Mothers express themselves differently, but they love their children and their family all the same. Here’s some different ways mothers say “I love you” to their babies: Puts up with weight gain, dry skin, endless puking or hunger pangs, and more while carrying her baby Spends 6 hours a day having her nipples…

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The most important skill to learn when breastfeeding a baby is to ensure the baby gets a deep latch. But it’s often easier said than done. My favourite way of teaching this is the hamburger analogy. Huh?? Well, imagine you want to eat a very big and tall hamburger. And want to be able to…

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Wait, what? What are Padsicles? It is very common when giving birth naturally, that a tear occurs in the perineum. In Singapore, most gynaes also perform episiotomies to help the baby come out more easily and/or to control the “shape” of the tear. This wound naturally hurts quite a lot in the first week after…

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Sleep is very important for a baby’s development and also for parents to be able to get some time to rest, eat and do other activities! As such, the most common question parents of new babies ask is, how much sleep should my baby be getting, and how many naps should they be having every…

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In Singapore, regardless of race, unless you have no Asian blood in you, it is almost a given to be expected to do at least 4 weeks of “confinement” post-partum. What is it? It entails many practices meant to keep both baby and mother indoors during the period of confinement to protect them from ill…

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Building a freezer stash is an option for mothers who want to be lactating for a shorter period of time than they want their baby to be drinking breastmilk. It is also good to have a small stash in the event that the mother suddenly falls sick and breastmilk production takes a hit, or need to be away from the baby for a period of time (eg. travelling overseas).
The option to be

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