Saving Money
Tips and Tricks for Travelling with Young Kids
I might be MinimalistMum but it doesn’t mean my family doesn’t indulge in luxuries. The key one we love is travelling. Many new parents are quite anxious about travelling with their new member(s) of the family, so I thought it might be useful to share some basic considerations in order to enjoy a good trip.…
Read MoreHow to Make Padsicles
Wait, what? What are Padsicles? It is very common when giving birth naturally, that a tear occurs in the perineum. In Singapore, most gynaes also perform episiotomies to help the baby come out more easily and/or to control the “shape” of the tear. This wound naturally hurts quite a lot in the first week after…
Read MoreThe Benefits of Breastfeeding
I’ve mentioned before that I think breastfeeding is THE most painful part about having a baby. Yet, I encourage all new parents to try, if they can afford the time to, and if necessary even seek help on how to do it effectively. Why? Benefits for Baby Nutrition Breastmilk contains everything baby needs for the…
Read MoreBuilding and Managing a Freezer Stash
Building a freezer stash is an option for mothers who want to be lactating for a shorter period of time than they want their baby to be drinking breastmilk. It is also good to have a small stash in the event that the mother suddenly falls sick and breastmilk production takes a hit, or need to be away from the baby for a period of time (eg. travelling overseas).
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Buying Second Hand – How Much can I Really Save?
Buying second hand is the smartest thing you can do for baby items! This is because (i) you/the usually only need to use the items for a short period of time (and the item was only used for a short period of time) and (ii) you do not know if your child/family might prefer a…
Read MoreMust I Spend Hundreds of dollars on a Breastpump?
I happen to have a few issues which hinder my babies from having a good latch. These are: having short/inverted nipples, being more prone to lumps/blockages than most women, having relatively few “holes” from which my milk flows out from and having an oversupply. As such, I exclusively pumped for Baby#1 and pumped more than…
Read MoreHow to Reduce amount of Money Spent on Diapers
If you are not planning to do cloth diapering, chances are you will be using quite a lot of disposable diapers. Here are some tips to save some money on diapers: Try to get your child used to not having to change diapers too often. It generally isn’t necessary to change diapers after a single…
Read MoreBasic Essentials to Prepare before Baby is Born
There seems to just be so many things you need to prepare for your new baby’s birth. Every time you step into any store that sells baby items, everything seems essential, yet foreign. How do you know what you really need? To me, clothes are the last thing you should buy before baby is born,…
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